Welcome to NuVet Labs® where making quality nutritional supplements and products to help end poor health and suffering for all pets, is all the motivation we need.
As President I am committed to helping the millions of pets around the country become healthy and stay that way. I, and my employees, are more than just pet lovers; we are totally crazy for them which is a great thing, especially when you have a company that is all about the animals.
It all began years ago when I was noticing certain changes in my beloved furry companion, Elvis. Elvis is a big, beautiful Newfoundland hound who has given me unconditional love and friendship for years so it was natural for me to want to do whatever I could to help him in his time of need. Even though I had always cared for him and tried to give him the best food available, it became apparent that Elvis needed something more.
All the medications and changes to his diet wasn’t making any kind of significant difference and I feared my best buddy was quickly slipping away from me. I tried all kinds of vitamin and herbal supplements because I knew there was something his body needed that he wasn’t getting but I just couldn’t find the right stuff.
It occurred to me that, like my Elvis, many other dogs and cats were not taking a sufficient regimen of high quality vitamins, minerals and antioxidants used to fight against the damaging effects of free radicals.
I thought that the right combination, in the exact formulation, using only the highest quality of ingredients, would be required to rid pets of these damaging elements and would create a scenario for greater health and a much longer life span.
It was during this time that I decided to take matters into my own hands and established NuVet Labs®. I put together a team of highly respected scientific, medical and pet industry professionals that had the same goal as I did; to create a nutritional product that would go beyond current supplements that only gave symptomatic relief. Our objective was to make a truly effective nutritional supplement that would attack the root cause and help eliminate the free radicals and other sources of the problem, once and for all.
This became my mission and although it took our team 8 years to perfect the formula, we finally got it right. An independent laboratory tested several dogs and cats, varying in age, size, and health conditions, under the direct supervision of a team of veterinarians.
The results were better than we ever could have hoped for and now we are proud to be able to produce a nutritional pet supplement that is second to none.
We hope you will be pleased with the results of better health and vitality your pet will experience and that you and your dog and/or cat will be happy and full of life for many years to come.
Blake G. Kirschbaum